
Wednesday 11 September 2019


Today I went walking to burn the calories I ate this week and I'm just back home! As promised, here we go with a delicious recipe made with leftovers, are you ready? What to do with all that meat that remains after making homemade broth? I had some pieces saved in the fridge, so why not turning it into a delicious "ragôut" to season pasta? The secret with ragout is letting it cook for a very long time, up to a minimum of 3 to 6hours or even longer. Sunday was a cold rainy day, no chance to go out: the perfect time to try this experiment! I used some pieces of boiled meat that I saved in my freezer last spring, so, as always, I do not have the precise quantity, but I can say it was at least 400g of boiled meat, to which I added 100g more or less of guanciale bacon, all minced coarsely together. In a pot I fried with a drop of oil half onion, 1 carrot and a stalk of celery all coarsely chopped. Then I added the meat, let cook for a few minutes and then blended with a glass of red wine (I used negramaro wine). Then I added 2glasses of tomato sauce, 1spoon of tomato concentrate, 2 anchovies, a spoon of capers, 2 bay leaves, 10 to 15 juniper berries, some basil leaves (about the top of one branch), a pinch of salt and 200ml of water. I mixed all together and let cook covered, on over low heat (the lowest possible) for about 6hours, stirring from time to time, and adding water when needed. In the end I waited until cold and then freezed the ragôut in portions. By the way, yesterday night I defrosted one to season pasta. This time I used spelled tagliatelle noodles but any kind of pasta will be good! The result was very delicious: I suggest you to always mix the ragout with a spoon of the pasta's boiling water to get a more creamy consistence, also you can add some pecorino cheese grated on your dish, it will give it an even richer taste!

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Hello and welcome back on my blog! Climate has changed, temperatures have dropped: it is winter already! With such a cold a...